Iparana Studio

Picture Weekly


Pictures With A Message



Ask of me and I will give you the Nations

In 2001, A friend in the States shared with me how a lady she knew, told her that God had given her a vision of a picture: Seeing herself in the picture seated at the table of the marriage supper of the Lamb, she said it was devastating! when asked why, she continued,
“Across from me were three empty chairs, and I knew they were empty because I didn¹t Go!”
The lady in question after seeing this vision - did indeed make preparations to Go!

But what about us? this picture here is for all of us - how many empty chairs will there be if we do not respond to the call Jesus makes? - He is looking for a harvest of souls - will we be His workers in the harvest field? The picture has various flags - the flag of Israel takes first place, as the Gospel first came to the Jew - Jesus said "...For salvation is from the Jews." John 4:22. Also included is the national flag of Fiji - as it's the furthest nation from Jerusalem, I learned this from listening to a Fijian pastor...sharing about the powerful things God has been doing in his nation...indeed the last words Jesus said before he ascended into heaven, have been and are continuing to be fulfilled! - "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8

Also included is the Inuit national flag, Inuits are eskimo's who live in the far north of Canada and many are becoming christians....as the power of Gods Holy Spirit is powerfully working amongst them.....but there are still many other nations who need to hear and experience the Gospel - even for the first time.

Who will take the Gospel to them?

First Edition - 5th October 2001

During the summer of 2001 the Lord had been speaking to me this Scripture, "Ask of me and I will give you the Nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. Psalm 2:8" that was over a year ago, and I definatly know it was the Lord speaking to me! - since then I been trying to work it out - wondering how God is going to do this? praying to know what it ultimately means, in October last year the idea came for Iparana Studio, the black and white picture above was the first edition - 5th October 2001, I wanted to remember the first picture and story I did because of it's significance, by making it in colour - it's a special picture as you will realise for many reasons....

Sorry if your nation was not included, I wanted to place more flags of the Nations - but this is all could do for the moment - maybe next year God willing.


Iparana Studio
November 4th 2002

P.S. I tried to get the picture out weeks ago but the picture was a bigger project than I realised - the picture is a mixture of 3D and 2D art, the flags I modeled in a computer 3d programe called Animation Master - I then had to learn how to texture the flags with the colour of their particular nation. I then assembled all the elements of the picture in Bryce. and did final editing in Photoshop.


The Cartoons and Pictures produced in Iparana Studio are free to use for non profit and can be used as a resource for overheads, teaching, sermons and church newsletters or simply blessing and enjoyment. it is intended one cartoon or picture to be ready each week and subscribers will be notified - your feedback is appreciated - suggestions and ideas are welcomed.


Terms of use - Pictures and cartoons are to display:
(Copyright - Peter N Millward - Picture Weekly)
If displayed on a webpage please place a link back to the home page at Iparana Studio

Also if you wish to use cartoons or pictures in publications to sell please contact
Peter at


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