Filled with Heavens hope
This week a friend of mine in Canada,
Ruth Armbruster sent me the following -
"Rise above every poke,
cuz you is filled with heavens hope!"
I had quite a few chuckles as I
thought about it and just could not resist making it into a cartoon also has a good lesson to teach us -
then you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things
above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your
minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and
your life is now hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:1-3
When we are filled with the hope
of Heaven it lifts us to the place where God wants us to be in
Christ Jesus - far above the things of this puts our
hearts to rest, it puts everything in life in perspective....and
it helps us to rise above the "pokes" from the devil.
When we have the hope of Heaven and Jesus fixed in
our hearts - we shall not be disappointed.
Iparana Studio
April 14th 2002
The Cartoons and
Pictures produced in Iparana Studio are free to use for non profit
and can be used as a resource for overheads, teaching, sermons
and church newsletters or simply blessing and enjoyment. it is
intended one cartoon or picture to be ready each week and I will
notify subscribers - your feedback is welcome - tell me what
you think, suggestions and ideas are welcome.
Terms of use
- Pictures and cartoons are to display:
- Peter N Millward - Picture
you wish to use cartoons or pictures in publications to sell
please contact
Peter at
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