Remove the Stones In 1999 I was asked to produce a picture based on Isaiah 62:10, the scripture was applied to the Church in removing "Stones of Stumbling" out of the way of Jewish people, after nearly 2,000 years of anti-semitism and persecution, the Church has the job of taking up, and removing these stones, The picture depicts the Western Wall or "Wailing Wall" in Jerusalem - it is the most important place for Jews as it represents the last remaining structure of what was once the Temple before the Romans demolished it in AD70. It's a place many Jews come to offer up prayers to God, for many Jews the symbol of the Cross is anathema, why is that? is that because they don't believe it? or is there more to it? - if we look at history we may get some answers - hundreds of years ago it was in the name of the Church, Crusaders came to "liberate" Jerusalem from the Muslims, only trouble was the Crusaders took it upon themselves to murder the inhabitants of Jerusalem - Jews and Muslims alike - in the name of the "Lord" But how can this be? are not christians supposed to bless other people and bring peace and reconciliation through the Cross? But what if an apostate church rose up and displaced true Christianity? doing the exact opposite of what the Lord Jesus taught, Well, folks thats exactly what happened hundreds of years ago, sadly the Jews took the brunt of alot of the bad teaching and anti-semitism from the church. If we read scripture we shall realise that Christians are supposed to bring comfort and blessing to Jewish people - never a drawn sword, unfortunatly the Cross to many Jews is seen as precisely that - a sword. Well I am sure you noticed I depicted the Cross as a narrow doorway in the Western Wall, but it's blocked up by rubble and "Stones" I wanted to symbolise what is happening spiritually, the Cross is the symbol of Gods mercy and love to a lost mankind including the Jewish people, and we should never duck this, even though satan has tried to destroy this precious symbol of Gods love to the minds of Jews, by what Crusaders did and through many other things throughout history - we must not give up, we are called to be a blessing to Israel and need to face up to the "Stones"and remove them, remembering this scripture: Pass through, Pass through the gates!Prepare the way of the people.Build up, Build up the Highway!Remove the Stones.Raise a Banner for the Nations. Isaiah 62:10 In the light of what has happened - my brief explanation only scratches the surface. But if you have ever tried to the share the Gospel with Jewish people you will appreciate that there are some pretty "Ugly" stones that need to be removed.... real "Christianity" has always been about loving and serving, and the true Church needs to understand it's not called to replace Israel it's called by God to be the blessing and comfort God has intended for them to bring to Israel, helping Jewish people everywhere see their God - their true Messiah - the Lord Jesus Christ. In Britain you can visit some old churches where some of the Crusaders have Stone tombs, they are usually depicted wearing armour, praying or about to draw a sword - strange statues to have in a place of worship you may ask? - Well I wonder if it occurs to us how this appears to Jews and Muslims, what impression do they have of Christianity? is it peace and goodwill? does it not seem seem strange that the visible "church" looks as though it condones and rewards these fellows? Unfortunatly in the past, Crusaders have been depicted as heroes, some churches even have childrens groups called "Crusaders" these are just a few of the "Stones" Peter Iparana StudioDecember 18th 2002 P.S. When I tried to make this picture in 1999, I was overwhelmed by the subject and spent considerable time and prayer about it - but I just did not have peace or the release from the Lord about what to produce - but now it suddenly came to me in the past week.... now I have peace....but the question is will everyone have peace when they see it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Cartoons and Pictures produced in Iparana Studio are free to use for non profit and can be used as a resource for overheads, teaching, sermons and church newsletters or simply blessing and enjoyment. it is intended one cartoon or picture to be ready each week and subscribers will be notified - your feedback is appreciated - suggestions and ideas are welcomed. ********************************************************* Terms of use - Pictures and cartoons are to display:(Copyright - Peter N Millward - Picture Weekly)If displayed on a webpage please place a link back to the home page at Iparana Studio Also if you wish to use cartoons or pictures in publications to sell please contactPeter at
In 1999 I was asked to produce a picture based on Isaiah 62:10, the scripture was applied to the Church in removing "Stones of Stumbling" out of the way of Jewish people, after nearly 2,000 years of anti-semitism and persecution, the Church has the job of taking up, and removing these stones, The picture depicts the Western Wall or "Wailing Wall" in Jerusalem - it is the most important place for Jews as it represents the last remaining structure of what was once the Temple before the Romans demolished it in AD70. It's a place many Jews come to offer up prayers to God, for many Jews the symbol of the Cross is anathema, why is that? is that because they don't believe it? or is there more to it? - if we look at history we may get some answers - hundreds of years ago it was in the name of the Church, Crusaders came to "liberate" Jerusalem from the Muslims, only trouble was the Crusaders took it upon themselves to murder the inhabitants of Jerusalem - Jews and Muslims alike - in the name of the "Lord" But how can this be? are not christians supposed to bless other people and bring peace and reconciliation through the Cross? But what if an apostate church rose up and displaced true Christianity? doing the exact opposite of what the Lord Jesus taught, Well, folks thats exactly what happened hundreds of years ago, sadly the Jews took the brunt of alot of the bad teaching and anti-semitism from the church. If we read scripture we shall realise that Christians are supposed to bring comfort and blessing to Jewish people - never a drawn sword, unfortunatly the Cross to many Jews is seen as precisely that - a sword. Well I am sure you noticed I depicted the Cross as a narrow doorway in the Western Wall, but it's blocked up by rubble and "Stones" I wanted to symbolise what is happening spiritually, the Cross is the symbol of Gods mercy and love to a lost mankind including the Jewish people, and we should never duck this, even though satan has tried to destroy this precious symbol of Gods love to the minds of Jews, by what Crusaders did and through many other things throughout history - we must not give up, we are called to be a blessing to Israel and need to face up to the "Stones"and remove them, remembering this scripture: Pass through, Pass through the gates!Prepare the way of the people.Build up, Build up the Highway!Remove the Stones.Raise a Banner for the Nations. Isaiah 62:10 In the light of what has happened - my brief explanation only scratches the surface. But if you have ever tried to the share the Gospel with Jewish people you will appreciate that there are some pretty "Ugly" stones that need to be removed.... real "Christianity" has always been about loving and serving, and the true Church needs to understand it's not called to replace Israel it's called by God to be the blessing and comfort God has intended for them to bring to Israel, helping Jewish people everywhere see their God - their true Messiah - the Lord Jesus Christ. In Britain you can visit some old churches where some of the Crusaders have Stone tombs, they are usually depicted wearing armour, praying or about to draw a sword - strange statues to have in a place of worship you may ask? - Well I wonder if it occurs to us how this appears to Jews and Muslims, what impression do they have of Christianity? is it peace and goodwill? does it not seem seem strange that the visible "church" looks as though it condones and rewards these fellows? Unfortunatly in the past, Crusaders have been depicted as heroes, some churches even have childrens groups called "Crusaders" these are just a few of the "Stones" Peter Iparana StudioDecember 18th 2002 P.S. When I tried to make this picture in 1999, I was overwhelmed by the subject and spent considerable time and prayer about it - but I just did not have peace or the release from the Lord about what to produce - but now it suddenly came to me in the past week.... now I have peace....but the question is will everyone have peace when they see it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
********************************************************* Terms of use - Pictures and cartoons are to display:(Copyright - Peter N Millward - Picture Weekly)If displayed on a webpage please place a link back to the home page at Iparana Studio Also if you wish to use cartoons or pictures in publications to sell please contactPeter at