Last week saw the anniversary the tragic
events of September 11th 2001, at Ground Zero, the Pentagon and
at Shanksville, Pa. each had a memorial service for families
and friends who lost loved ones and Churches around the world
held memorial services.
Those events of Nine Eleven have been replayed
in TV documentaries either focusing on those who survived, but
also the bereaved, it is heart breaking listening to the loss
and pain of those left behind, many never having the opportunity
to say a final goodbye or tell their loved ones how much they
loved....we cannot imagine how they are feeling... people like
the father who lost two sons....where do we take such grief too?
The memorial service from St Pauls, London
was held for bereaved families, at the end of the service three
thousand rose petals were sprinkled from the whispering gallery
up in the dome of St Pauls - they took time to eventually float
down....but it didn't matter, each petal represented someone
who lost their life that September day.....afterwards many who
attended the service, went and gathered petals resting on the
floor of the cathedral. They went away quietly with what comfort
they could to remind them of someone they once knew and loved.....
it left a deep impression which led me to produce the picture
The picture takes the theme of Roses, and
depicts over three thousand roses rising over the Manhattan skyline
where the Twin Towers once stood, each representing a
convey the value of each person who died....
Let us remember in prayer those who lost loved ones, that they
may find healing in their grief and comfort through Christ Jesus,
for christians losing someone is hard enough, but will have hope
- 1 Thessalonians 4:13. But for the many non christians - losing
someone will be a burden to heavy to bear, the only real comfort
to such grief can only be found through Christ.
Iparana Studio
September 14th 2002
PS. The picture does indeed have over three
thousand roses which were counted and replicated then positioned
in a 3d computer software program called Bryce.
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Pictures produced in Iparana Studio are free to use for non profit
and can be used as a resource for overheads, teaching, sermons
and church newsletters or simply blessing and enjoyment. it is
intended one cartoon or picture to be ready each week and I will
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you think, suggestions and ideas are welcome.
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- Pictures and cartoons are to display:
- Peter N Millward - Picture
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