There is a day coming when the
last soccer match on earth will be played, maybe even at a World
Cup, perhaps in the middle of a game the Lord will suddenly return,
and everyone will look up transfixed knowing they must give an
account to the one who is both the Judge of the living and the
dead. It will be a shock for the press and commentators, players,
fans and spectators, all interest in the outcome of the game
would evaporate, the result of the match will not matter - compared
to facing their maker, it will be a terrible day for those who
had rejected Christ and lived their lives for themselves, not
just at soccer matches but all over the world people will be
confronted with the aweful realisation just who it really is
coming on the clouds - and many will cry -"Fall on us
and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from
the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come,
and who can stand?" Revelation 6:15-17
All of History is running to this point when the Lord will come
back in His awesome glory - will this day fill us with dread?
- or are we gladly looking forward to meet our Lord and Saviour?
Iparana Studio
May 13th 2002
The Cartoons and
Pictures produced in Iparana Studio are free to use for non profit
and can be used as a resource for overheads, teaching, sermons
and church newsletters or simply blessing and enjoyment. it is
intended one cartoon or picture to be ready each week and I will
notify subscribers - your feedback is welcome - tell me what
you think, suggestions and ideas are welcome.
Terms of use
- Pictures and cartoons are to display:
- Peter N Millward - Picture
you wish to use cartoons or pictures in publications to sell
please contact
Peter at
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