

Pictures With A Message

 Free Cartoons and Pictures

 Der Breite und der Schmale Weg

The Broad and The Narrow Way Picture in 19th Century Victorian Britain


The Truth Will Set You Free
20th February 2002
At church a few weeks ago the Pastor was preaching from John 8:31-32 - "If you really are my disciples. Then you will know t
he truth,  and the truth will set you free.  He explained an illustration about the truth - if you don't know where the key to your
house is, you cannot enter, but if you know where the key is - you know the truth and are free to go inside.

This got me thinking about keys and locks - which inspired the picture - if we hold to the teachings of Jesus - it is the key to
knowing the truth which will set us free - Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life.

So many today do not have the key to unlock the chains to sin and death - they may have heard of Jesus but have never trusted Him as their Lord and Saviour, they need freedom - and yet the scripture above is a challenge and a wonderful promise to all who would hold to His teaching, a promise too good to miss and better than any riches of this world.

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1-2.


Iparana Studio

P.S. For those who wish to use the picture in another language and want to make a translation, a copy without text can be found here - The Truth Will Set You Free - No Text

For those looking for T shirts, posters, cards with this design  please take the opportunity of taking a look at the online Shop below.

For Tshirts, Prints, Greeting Cards with this design click here


The Cartoons and Pictures produced in Iparana Studio are free to use for non profit and can be
used as a resource for overheads, teaching, sermons and church newsletters or simply blessing
and enjoyment. it is intended one cartoon or picture to be ready each week and I will notify
subscribers - your feedback is welcome - tell me what you think, suggestions and ideas are welcome.

Terms of use - Pictures and cartoons are to display:
(Copyright - Peter N Millward - Picture Weekly)

If you would like to support the artist in this ministry, please visit Peter's site at Pictures With A Message www.pictureswithamessage.com where Prints, Cards and Pictures can be purchased. Thankyou.

                                                                                                                          Peter N Millward

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