The Bible Pool Do you feel life is like a dried up cracked river bed? Struggling to paddle along in life, weary and tired...well there is good news! You have heard of indoor swimming pools and outdoor ones, but there is a bookshelf version and also pocket edition which in the long run will do you more good - it's a Spiritual swimming pool and it's the Bible! In the picture a young lady is about to dive into God's Word - In the Pool a giant pearl is waiting to be found - The Bible has many treasures but if we hardly ever jump in and explore we will never find them. In the left hand corner water is pouring through the pages like a book marker and refreshing the parched ground. The Bible can refresh us and fill up our dry river beds, but do we take the opportunity of being immersed in God's Word everyday? The scripture says .....just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. Ephesians 5:25-27 Do we allow Christ the opportunity to cleanse us through the washing of his word? God wants to bless us so much, but if we do not spend time in his word regularly we are denying him of this. He so longs to bless us through his word, but if we fail to spend time studying it, we shall be the ones who suffer because we have not allowed his word to wash us. It's not enough to sit in church on Sunday being spoon fed, we need personal Bible Study as well to allow the Word of God to flow through us and change us into the people God wants us to be without stain, wrinkle or blemish. The daily discipline of reading God's word is a good habit to develope, it is one which the Lord wants everyone to learn and will make a big difference to our lives. If you have not tried it yet - please do and find out. Peter Iparana Studio June 25th 2003
Peter Iparana Studio
June 25th 2003
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