James W. Goll, writes in the Elijah List "Therefore, let us build up the wall of protection around our lives, families and nation at this hour using the solid rocks of God's Word and Kingdom lifestyles". This picture is based on a prophetic dream and word given by James W. Goll and published on the Elijah list. Reading it for the first time I was intrigued by the imagery used, the U.S. was likened to a mansion with an old stone wall protecting it but it was starting to crack and bulge in places, James describes in the dream how he was given three huge rocks to construct a new one at the most vulnerable parts of the wall. The first rock he placed firmly in the ground called "Faith" in front of the area where "Fear" was permeating the old walls stability. The second solid rock in a place called "Peace" where the "Varmints of mistrust" had been burrowing - undermining the old walls security. The third large boulder he put in a place called "Strength" where "Weariness" had found a home. The huge rocks represent Gods Word the only sure way of providing foundation and strength against the forces weakening the old wall of protection. This prophetic word is a call to the Church in America to build up the wall of protection! When James awoke from the dream, he awoke knowing that the "Word of Christ" must abide richly in the hearts of America's people, and plant the word into the garden of their hearts - to produce a crop of faith, peace and strength. As James says in the word he brought "Therefore, let us build up the wall of protection around our lives, families and nation at this hour using the solid rocks of God's Word and Kingdom lifestyles". With the emphasis being upon the word of Christ - In the picture I placed a huge Bible, towering over the House of the United States....the nations security is directly linked to how it relates to the Word of Christ and puts it's trust in the Lord..... James Goll also calls for a National Day of Prayer, remembering 12 years ago how George Bush Sr called for a National Day of Prayer.... A link here to the word given by James Goll "BUILDING UP THE WILL" by James W.Goll This word given through James is very timely, one that other nations would do well to consider - I am British....and tremble to think what will happen to my own nation if the majority of it's citizens continue to ignore the Word of Christ. Peter Iparana Studio March 12th 2003
Peter Iparana Studio
March 12th 2003
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