Have you ever been hungry or thirsty? Are you living in a dry and thirsty land? I suppose we all experienced various degrees of it in our lives, but have we ever been hungry and thirsty for righteousness? the craving for that which is right and true, noble and pure?We are certainly living in a land which should make us hungry and thirsty for this? but are we prepared to search for it like hidden treasure or gold? In an age of fast food and instant gratification there is still a deep well in each of us, which can only be filled by God...sadly many go after other things to fill this emptiness, missing out on what can truly satisfy. Great claims are made about this life, pursue pleasure, success, fame and happiness....but what about Righteousness?....the Bible shows there is only one place we can truly be satisfied, and we will if we make it our aim and lifes goal to seek true righteousness. It won't be long before we notice the presence of someone else, a Holy presence, invisible yet real.....the Holy Spirit who is likened to the wind. "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear it's sound, but cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going....so it is with all who are born of the Spirit" John 3:8 Those who know this, know the Lord Jesus Christ and will be satisfied with His righteousness and no matter what happens in life.......the truth of the matter is, if we know Christ thats all that really matters, He is our righteousness - and if we have Him thats all that really counts..... we are satisfied in Christ and we will be with Him forever. Peter Iparana Studio April 9th 2003
Peter Iparana Studio
April 9th 2003
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