A number of years ago a lady by
the name of Anne Yorke came to where I was exhibiting at a conference,
and shared with me a dream she had many years before and asked
if I could paint it, I agreed....but it represented many challenges...so
over the years I just kept praying about it, thinking how best
to convey the message. of the dream...it's a very special picture,
the dream is about a Shop of Broken Pots - The picture and following
interpretation is based on Anne's dream:
An old fashioned, dingy shop on
a back street, with leaded rectangular windows. The shopkeeper
is an evil old man shrivelled with age, (Satan).
On display were lots of pots, they had been stolen and broken,
he displayed them even though they were damaged and smashed,
they had been there a very long time gathering dust and each
had a price tag at a very high price.
Then one day God enters the shop and recognises the
pots, he was in fact the potter who had made them ...but now
they were mishapen and broken.....but God could remember the
care and love he had made each one, he had made them beautiful
and now wanted to take them back and restore them. God was angry
they were stolen and demands them back, but the old man holds
to his extortionate prices...eventually God buys them back at
the high price.
The broken pots represent the
fallen human race.....the high price tags, represent the price
only Jesus could pay, I depict Jesus entering the shop with His
Thinking about this dream, sparks
so many things....when I think of the potters wheel it reminds
me of the centre of Gods will, only there can we hope to be restored
and transformed into new creations.... may we all be willing
to allow God's word to mould us into the people God wants us
to be.....
Perhaps what is shared here will
spark other thoughts and insights - please share them - thankyou!
Iparana Studio
February 15th 2003