21st Century Caleb
But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it. Numbers 14:24 (NIV)
If Caleb was still with us today, what kind of land would the Lord give him? Today the world is very different, what kind of giants would he see now? We know from scripture even though Caleb was in his 80's he took the giants on in their own big city - Kiriath Arba named after the greatest among the Anakites - and he won! May we also be like Caleb.
But what kind of giants face us today - what would their main cities and strongholds be? What tactics and strategy would the Lord want us to have?.
Television, Hollywood, Radio, Newspapers and Magazines and now the Internet are shaping the values and beliefs of people and influence almost every person on this planet? In the quest for money these giants battle daily for the hearts and minds of people, young and old alike, in many cases opposing Godliness, Purity and Truth - We can see the effect it is having. Who will go up and take these strongholds and cities for the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
In the picture you will notice a 21st Century Caleb standing on the giant toe of a fallen giant. Searchlights in the sky form a cross of light, a reminder that the battle is not just his alone but it is the Lord's!
The way of the Cross is the way to conquer, through His death and resurrection, Jesus conquered sin, death and hell, His sacrifice made it possible for us to be victors and the weapons he has are not the weapons of this world, but they are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4).....the Gospel is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.
Let us take this Gospel which brings Eternal Life, joy and peace to the land of the giants.
October 27th 2003
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