Iparana Studio
Every Cat has it's day.....
Some years ago when our family had a small holding, we used to have dogs and cats - the dogs were boss and the cats knew it, but one of the dogs died and it's kennel was left abandoned. Then one day I came across this abandoned Kennel and saw a very funny sight - Our old white cat called "Mrs Pussy" sitting in it, looking very pleased and relaxed.
They say every dog has it's day - but in this case every cat!....
I can imagine that old cat looking round the kennel and not finding a trace of her adversary....it makes me think of the scripture.....
Though you shall search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. Isaiah 41:12
And it's an encouragement Christians! We can rejoice that one day our adversary the devil - will no longer be around and will have the lake of fire to contend with.
All those things that may trouble us now - in eternity they will seem as nothing at all.
Iparana Studio October 9th 2003
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