A friend
of mine Chuck
Cox shared his testimony which inspired me to create a picture
Deep Sea
Altar Call
He also shared with me the scriptures above from the book of
Job, which convey the sense of awe we need to have towards God....while
we are not sure what particular creature the Lord is describing
here, the shark certainly comes very close, inspiring fear and
dread, one look at its mouth is enough.
Yes, its
good to ponder the wonders....and even the terrors of God's creation,
it puts us in touch with reality, helping us to understand our
creator and our need to fear Him.
Many cry
God is love - then forget it was love that created creatures
like the shark. Take a look at creation and ponder.... "For
since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - His
eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being
understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse".
Romans 1:20
The fear
of the Lord is regarded as old fashioned and outdated.....yet
it was the fear of the Lord rather than love which caused me
to read His Word and seek His face, it caused me to find out
about heaven and hell, and wondered about my own life and where
I was heading ...it was only then I began to appreciate the Lord's
great love and seek His mercy and His Kingdom.
There was
once a Christian involved in street evangelism and was witnessing
to a New Ager. After some discussion, the New Ager had lots of
sophisticated arguements, but the Christian just stuck to the
Bible and gave a simple testimony....he told the reason why he
was a Christian - because he trembled to think that he must stand
before God one day and must give an account for his life. After
further discussion the time came for the Christian to leave....but
before leaving the New Ager turned to him and confessed
"You make me afraid.....what you said about
standing before God one day!"
It's not
fine sounding human arguements the world needs to hear or trying
to make the Gospel look cool - it's the Fear of the Lord thats
needed - it is the beginning of Wisdom. Proverbs 9:10
Iparana Studio
30th September 2003