Iparana Studio
Sold out for Jesus!
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Matthew 13:44 (NIV)
This scripture is for young and old alike - A boy in the picture has found treasure - the Kingdom of heaven! He finds in this treasure chest, not only the riches of Christ but heavenly armour and a crown to wear and lots more besides.
Who wants to be a millionaire? when you can have the riches of Christ!
Nothing in this world compares, to the Kingdom of heaven, the Joy, the Peace and Hope it brings. All who truly value and recognise the treasure of heaven, gladly sell everything to obtain it.
Only Christ can give true life and satisfaction, Let us go with Jesus to this treasure field rejoicing, for what He gives is worth far more than anything this world has to offer!
October 19th 2003Iparana Studio
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